A game made in 3 hours for Trijam #145.

The theme for this jam was "Anti-[you choose]" and I somehow landed upon the word "Anti-inflammation". I ended up creating a game where you control a balloon and small person, where your goal is to collect the anti-inflammatory pills falling from the sky to prevent the balloon from swelling and popping.

You can control the character with W and D or the arrow keys. Hope you have fun and feel free to leave your high score in the comments below!

Sound Effects used:

Plingy Coin https://opengameart.org/content/plingy-coin

8-bit style https://opengameart.org/content/512-sound-effects-8-bit-style

Font used:

Karmatic Arcade https://www.1001fonts.com/karmatic-arcade-font.html


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